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Cultivars, LLC

  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot
  • FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot

FINE LINE Buckthorn Fern-leaf 1 Quart Pot

Excluding Sales Tax |

Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Flowering Shrubs

Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Deciduous Shrubs

Proven Winners® FINE LINE ® Buckthorn Fern-leaf

Rhamnus frangula 'Ron Williams' USPP 14,791


Narrow, upright form. A very versatile landscape plant, Fine Line® rhamnus combines the feathery foliage of 'Asplenifolia' with the narrow upright habit of 'Columnaris.' This cultivar produces very few fruit, and even fewer actual seeds. Germination has been shown to be extremely low, and as such, many states that have banned rhamnus from the trade have made an exemption for this fine, in-demand selection. Now, Frangula alnus is considered the correct scientific name.



Silver Medal Royal Boskoop Horticulture Society; MOBOT Tried and True


USDA Zone 2 - 7 (-50°F/-45°C)

Exposure Full sun, Part sun

Height 5 - 7'

Width 2 - 4'

Finish Time 1 season

Type Deciduous

Bloom Time Summer

Flower Color White

Foliage Color Green