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Cultivars, LLC

  • Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot
  • Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot
  • Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot
  • Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot
  • Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot

Trumpet Bush CHICKLET Gold 1 Quart Pot

$39.93 Regular Price
$35.94Sale Price
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Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Flowering Shrubs

Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Deciduous Shrubs

Proven Winners® CHICKLET® Gold Trumpet Bush,

Esperanza Tecoma stans'SMNTSC'PPAF


Think of Chicklet Gold esperanza (Tecoma stans) as a long-blooming trumpet vine in a non-invasive, compact shrub form. Cheery yellow panicles provide a festive display of color, both as a garden shrub in hot areas or as a patio plant in cooler climes. Either way, it flowers for months, attracts hummingbirds, and just generally improves the mood of all who see it.


USDA Zone 8 - 11 (15°F/-9°C)

Exposure Full sun

Height 3-6'

Width 3'

Finish Time 0.5 season

Type Deciduous

Bloom Time Summer into fall

Flower Color Yellow

Foliage Color Green