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Cultivars, LLC

  • Aoba Jo Pine Japanese White Pine Base Size 1 Quart Air Pot

Aoba Jo Pine Japanese White Pine Base Size 1 Quart Air Pot

Excluding Sales Tax |

‘Aoba Jo’ Conifer Dwarf Japanese White Pine

Botanical Reference: Pinus Parviflora


10 Year Dimensions: 3 Ft Tall by 3 Ft Wide

Annual Growth Rate: 2-3 Imches per Year


American Conifer Society Attributions

Pinus parviflora 'Aoba Jo' / Japanese White Pine


10 to -20 F / -23.3 to -28.9 C)

HORTICULTURAL STATUS: EstablishedCOLOR: Blue TRINOMIAL TYPE: CultivarGROWTH SHAPE: Broad Upright or OvalGROWTH SIZE: Dwarf: 1 to 6 inches (2.5 – 15 cm) per year / 1 to 5 feet (0.3 – 1.5 m) after 10 years


Public Displays

US NAtional Arboretum Washington DC

Gotelli Collection